Happy Thanksgiving
Part 1
Notice: You are free to copy and share to all.
My Father and my Supreme King YAHUAH,
when I think of all the things
You have done for me and
My family and continue to do,
I am speechless.
Where do I begin?
Your LOVE is so wonderful.
Your LOVE is so kind and sacrificial.
Your LOVE is so wonderful.
My love for YOU, my love for YOU
is so little and pitiful, and at times doubtful.
YOU sacrificed YOUR most precious Son
Supreme Prince Yahusha
YOU sacrificed Your most beloved Son
Supreme Prince Yahusha
Part 1
Part 2
To die a very slow, excruciating, painful
Demeaning, shameful and agonizing death
On a sinner’s cross for whom Who knows
For a sinner, unclean, condemned like me.
My life is just a breath, just a heart beat
Here today and gone tomorrow.
My life is like a dew, like water on the grass.
Here in the morning and gone at noon
My life is like a tiny speck of sand
In a very vast ocean.
My life is a tiny dot of time
In light of eternity.
My life is a nanosecond
In light of a century.
Part 2
Part 3
However, though how insignificant I am,
YOU, my FATHER and Supreme King YAHUAH,
cares for me of all Your creations, of all Your dominion.
YOU thought of me enough, YOU thought of me.
To send YOUR beloved Son Supreme Prince Yahusha
To take the blame for me, to pay for my sins,
To pay for my debt, to die on the cross,
To give me life everlasting in Paradise.
YOU sent YOUR beloved Son, Supreme Prince Yahusha
To give me hope, to give me freedom, and
To give me joy and happiness.
YOU sent Your beloved Son, Supreme Prince Yahusha
To give me peace of mind and
To give me my heart’s desires.
Part 3
Part 4
You sent Your beloved Son, Supreme Prince Yahusha
To give me salvation full and free.
That I may spend eternity in Paradise with YOU,
my FATHER, Supreme King YAHUAH,
my Savior, Redeemer Supreme Prince Yahusha,
YOUR Holy Spirit Supreme Ruach HaKodesh, all
my family
and all the saints and ALL YOUR Angels.
YOU sent Your Son, Supreme Prince Yahusha
To be jeered,
To be flogged,
To be spat on,
To be insulted,
To be humiliated,
To be crowned with a crown of thorns,
To carry a heavy wooden cross up a mountain,
After He was deprived of rest, sleep, water and food,
After He was flogged all night long,
Part 4
Part 5
After He was jeered, insulted, and crowned with a crown of thorns.
His hands to be nailed on the cross.
His feet to be nailed on the cross.
His side to be pierced with a spear.
And they put the cross with YOUR Son Yahusha
hanging by the nails in to the hole in the rocks,
His weight being carried only by the nails on His hands and feet.
I just could imagine how painful that would be.
It must have been very unbearable
that made Him cry out to YOU, FATHER, why did YOU forsake me?
His flesh being torn by his weight on the nails.
My FATHER King and Elohim YAHUAH,
And YOU my Everlasting Father and King
Part 5
Part 6
Could have sent millions of YOUR Angels of Light
To rescue YOUR Son but YOU did not so that the
Law would be fulfilled that the wages of SIN IS DEATH.
YOU allowed Your Son, Supreme Prince Yahusha to die
a painful, slow and excruciating death for me?
A Sinner, Unclean and Condemned?
It was in that state of mind that He cried put to YOU and said
Father, forgive them for they know not what they are doing!
WOW, my Redeemer’s love must be wonderfully sweet
Beyond comprehension or human understanding.
So that I may be reconciled with YOU, my FATHER
and Supreme King that YOU may bless me,
That you may give me the desires of my heart.
And the desire of my heart is to glorify YOU my FATHER Supreme King YAHUAH by obeying YOUR Commandments – the Ten Commandments, the Golden Rula and the Abomination like no same sex sex.
Part 6
Part 7
That YOU may love me, in spite of me.
That YOU may use even me to tell YOUR salvation story.
That I may be a witness for YOUR miracles
In my life and in my family’s life.
YOUR LOVE for me must be so wonderful and
Yet my love for YOU is so tentative, so little
And at times questionable.
My Supreme Prince, brother, Shepherd and Savior,
Your love must be wonderfully sweet
That You sacrificed Your dear life
for me, a sinner, unclean condemned.
My Father, my Supreme Elohim Almighty,
My King of Kings, Supreme King YAHUAH,
I give my life, my heart, my mind, my body,
my soul and my spirit to YOU.
Part 7
Part 8
I give YOU control of everything in me and for me
I give YOU what I am and hope to be and
Everything YOU entrusted with me and Jenn.
Abba Father I give it ALL to You
Through YOUR Son Supreme Prince Yahusha by
The power of YOUR Holy Spirit, Supreme Ruach HaKodesh.
Abba Father, every second of my life I give YOU thanks.
To me every day is Thanksgiving for YOU pour out
Your infinite blessings, provisions and special favors
To me and my family every day of our life.
To me every day is Thanksgiving for YOU do infinite Divine
Miracles to me and my family every day.
To me every day is Thanksgiving for YOUR Divine leadership,
Guidance and direction in my life and my family’s life
But on this special Day, I greet YOU
HAPPY THANKSGIVING, my Father, my Love,
My High Tower, my Redeemer and Savior through
YOUR Son Supreme Prince Yahusha by
The power of YOUR Holy Spirit Supreme Ruach HaKodesh.
In my FATHER’s name, I greet you, my loves and friends
With Agape love, Rudy
Notice: You are free to copy and share to all.
My Father and my Supreme King YAHUAH,
when I think of all the things
You have done for me and
My family and continue to do,
I am speechless.
Where do I begin?
Your LOVE is so wonderful.
Your LOVE is so kind and sacrificial.
Your LOVE is so wonderful.
My love for YOU, my love for YOU
is so little and pitiful, and at times doubtful.
YOU sacrificed YOUR most precious Son
Supreme Prince Yahusha
YOU sacrificed Your most beloved Son
Supreme Prince Yahusha
Part 1
Part 2
To die a very slow, excruciating, painful
Demeaning, shameful and agonizing death
On a sinner’s cross for whom Who knows
For a sinner, unclean, condemned like me.
My life is just a breath, just a heart beat
Here today and gone tomorrow.
My life is like a dew, like water on the grass.
Here in the morning and gone at noon
My life is like a tiny speck of sand
In a very vast ocean.
My life is a tiny dot of time
In light of eternity.
My life is a nanosecond
In light of a century.
Part 2
Part 3
However, though how insignificant I am,
YOU, my FATHER and Supreme King YAHUAH,
cares for me of all Your creations, of all Your dominion.
YOU thought of me enough, YOU thought of me.
To send YOUR beloved Son Supreme Prince Yahusha
To take the blame for me, to pay for my sins,
To pay for my debt, to die on the cross,
To give me life everlasting in Paradise.
YOU sent YOUR beloved Son, Supreme Prince Yahusha
To give me hope, to give me freedom, and
To give me joy and happiness.
YOU sent Your beloved Son, Supreme Prince Yahusha
To give me peace of mind and
To give me my heart’s desires.
Part 3
Part 4
You sent Your beloved Son, Supreme Prince Yahusha
To give me salvation full and free.
That I may spend eternity in Paradise with YOU,
my FATHER, Supreme King YAHUAH,
my Savior, Redeemer Supreme Prince Yahusha,
YOUR Holy Spirit Supreme Ruach HaKodesh, all
my family
and all the saints and ALL YOUR Angels.
YOU sent Your Son, Supreme Prince Yahusha
To be jeered,
To be flogged,
To be spat on,
To be insulted,
To be humiliated,
To be crowned with a crown of thorns,
To carry a heavy wooden cross up a mountain,
After He was deprived of rest, sleep, water and food,
After He was flogged all night long,
Part 4
Part 5
After He was jeered, insulted, and crowned with a crown of thorns.
His hands to be nailed on the cross.
His feet to be nailed on the cross.
His side to be pierced with a spear.
And they put the cross with YOUR Son Yahusha
hanging by the nails in to the hole in the rocks,
His weight being carried only by the nails on His hands and feet.
I just could imagine how painful that would be.
It must have been very unbearable
that made Him cry out to YOU, FATHER, why did YOU forsake me?
His flesh being torn by his weight on the nails.
My FATHER King and Elohim YAHUAH,
And YOU my Everlasting Father and King
Part 5
Part 6
Could have sent millions of YOUR Angels of Light
To rescue YOUR Son but YOU did not so that the
Law would be fulfilled that the wages of SIN IS DEATH.
YOU allowed Your Son, Supreme Prince Yahusha to die
a painful, slow and excruciating death for me?
A Sinner, Unclean and Condemned?
It was in that state of mind that He cried put to YOU and said
Father, forgive them for they know not what they are doing!
WOW, my Redeemer’s love must be wonderfully sweet
Beyond comprehension or human understanding.
So that I may be reconciled with YOU, my FATHER
and Supreme King that YOU may bless me,
That you may give me the desires of my heart.
And the desire of my heart is to glorify YOU my FATHER Supreme King YAHUAH by obeying YOUR Commandments – the Ten Commandments, the Golden Rula and the Abomination like no same sex sex.
Part 6
Part 7
That YOU may love me, in spite of me.
That YOU may use even me to tell YOUR salvation story.
That I may be a witness for YOUR miracles
In my life and in my family’s life.
YOUR LOVE for me must be so wonderful and
Yet my love for YOU is so tentative, so little
And at times questionable.
My Supreme Prince, brother, Shepherd and Savior,
Your love must be wonderfully sweet
That You sacrificed Your dear life
for me, a sinner, unclean condemned.
My Father, my Supreme Elohim Almighty,
My King of Kings, Supreme King YAHUAH,
I give my life, my heart, my mind, my body,
my soul and my spirit to YOU.
Part 7
Part 8
I give YOU control of everything in me and for me
I give YOU what I am and hope to be and
Everything YOU entrusted with me and Jenn.
Abba Father I give it ALL to You
Through YOUR Son Supreme Prince Yahusha by
The power of YOUR Holy Spirit, Supreme Ruach HaKodesh.
Abba Father, every second of my life I give YOU thanks.
To me every day is Thanksgiving for YOU pour out
Your infinite blessings, provisions and special favors
To me and my family every day of our life.
To me every day is Thanksgiving for YOU do infinite Divine
Miracles to me and my family every day.
To me every day is Thanksgiving for YOUR Divine leadership,
Guidance and direction in my life and my family’s life
But on this special Day, I greet YOU
HAPPY THANKSGIVING, my Father, my Love,
My High Tower, my Redeemer and Savior through
YOUR Son Supreme Prince Yahusha by
The power of YOUR Holy Spirit Supreme Ruach HaKodesh.
In my FATHER’s name, I greet you, my loves and friends
With Agape love, Rudy