Pledge of Allegiance to Supreme King YAHUAH
Put your right hand on your left breast and recite:
I pledge allegiance to my FATHER Supreme King YAHUAH, the King of Creation who created the whole Universe and everything in it and on it and everyone in it and on it. HE created Jesus, Jesus Christ, Buddha, Shiva, Krishna, Lakhsmi, cows, tigers and others. HE is the only King with no beginning and no ending. HE is the everlasting king. HE is the King of kings. HE brings down kings and brings them up. HE gives the realm to whoever HE chooses. HE is the king of all sovereigns of the world. HE dictates the fate of nations and the destinies of people. and HE dictates the fate of nations and the destinies of people.
AA. I pledge to glorify my FATHER Supreme King YAHUAH all the days of my life by loving HIM with all my heart, mind, body, soul and spirit by obeying HIS Commandments.
I pledge to obey Supreme King YAHUAH's Commandments:
A. The Ten Commandments -
1. “YAHUAH is the only ELOHIM. I shall have no other elohims (gods, idols,etc.) before me.”
2. “I shall not make nor worship any graven image.”
3. “I shall not take the name of YAHUAH my ELOHIM in vain.”
4. “I shall Remember the sabbath day (Saturday), to keep it holy.”
5. “I shall Honor my father and my mother.”
6. “I shall not kill.”
7. “I shall not commit adultery.”
8. “I shall not steal.”
9. “I shall not bear false witness against my neighbor.” (against anyone)
10. “I shall not covet.” Do not be jealous of others' possessions.
B. The Golden Rule -I do to others what I want them to do to me.
C. I pledge not to do the Abominations like no same sex sex, cheating, lying, stealing, having sex before marriage, having multiple spouses, re-marriage of former spouses, robbery, bullying, incest and others. Please see the complete list of Abominations.
I pledge to worship only Supreme King YAHUAH in spirit and in truth with NO idols of any kind.
BB. I pledge to glorify my FATHER Supreme King YAHUAH by helping fulfill HIS Heart's desire that no one shall perish in the Lake of Fire by helping people solve their physical problems like lack of clean water to drink, lack of food, clothing, shelter, medical care, dental care, eye care, education, job opportunities, etc. And by helping them solve their spiritual problems by sharing the Message of Salvation so they can live a Victorious Life -heal the sick, cast out demons, rebuke storms, etc. Please see the Message of Salvation.
I pledge to share Supreme King YAHUAH's Message of Salvation with everyone, giving priority to my family, friends, classmates and acquaintances.
Message of Salvation:
Have faith in YAHUAH, Yahusha and the Holy Spirit Ruach HaKodesh.
Believe that Yahusha was born of a Virgin Mary, grew up and ministered to the Jews but they rejected Him and then He opened Salvation to everyone who would believe and accept Him as their Master, Messiah, Redeemer and Savior of their life and is baptized by complete immersion in the name of the FATHER YAHUAH, the Son Yahusha and the Holy Spirit Ruach HaKodesh. Please see the Page of detailed Message of Salvation.
So help me my FATHER Supreme King YAHUAH through YOUR Son, Supreme Prince Yahusha by the power of YOUR Holy Spirit Supreme Ruach HaKodesh. Amein, Amein and Amein.
Put your right hand on your left breast and recite:
I pledge allegiance to my FATHER Supreme King YAHUAH, the King of Creation who created the whole Universe and everything in it and on it and everyone in it and on it. HE created Jesus, Jesus Christ, Buddha, Shiva, Krishna, Lakhsmi, cows, tigers and others. HE is the only King with no beginning and no ending. HE is the everlasting king. HE is the King of kings. HE brings down kings and brings them up. HE gives the realm to whoever HE chooses. HE is the king of all sovereigns of the world. HE dictates the fate of nations and the destinies of people. and HE dictates the fate of nations and the destinies of people.
AA. I pledge to glorify my FATHER Supreme King YAHUAH all the days of my life by loving HIM with all my heart, mind, body, soul and spirit by obeying HIS Commandments.
I pledge to obey Supreme King YAHUAH's Commandments:
A. The Ten Commandments -
1. “YAHUAH is the only ELOHIM. I shall have no other elohims (gods, idols,etc.) before me.”
2. “I shall not make nor worship any graven image.”
3. “I shall not take the name of YAHUAH my ELOHIM in vain.”
4. “I shall Remember the sabbath day (Saturday), to keep it holy.”
5. “I shall Honor my father and my mother.”
6. “I shall not kill.”
7. “I shall not commit adultery.”
8. “I shall not steal.”
9. “I shall not bear false witness against my neighbor.” (against anyone)
10. “I shall not covet.” Do not be jealous of others' possessions.
B. The Golden Rule -I do to others what I want them to do to me.
C. I pledge not to do the Abominations like no same sex sex, cheating, lying, stealing, having sex before marriage, having multiple spouses, re-marriage of former spouses, robbery, bullying, incest and others. Please see the complete list of Abominations.
I pledge to worship only Supreme King YAHUAH in spirit and in truth with NO idols of any kind.
BB. I pledge to glorify my FATHER Supreme King YAHUAH by helping fulfill HIS Heart's desire that no one shall perish in the Lake of Fire by helping people solve their physical problems like lack of clean water to drink, lack of food, clothing, shelter, medical care, dental care, eye care, education, job opportunities, etc. And by helping them solve their spiritual problems by sharing the Message of Salvation so they can live a Victorious Life -heal the sick, cast out demons, rebuke storms, etc. Please see the Message of Salvation.
I pledge to share Supreme King YAHUAH's Message of Salvation with everyone, giving priority to my family, friends, classmates and acquaintances.
Message of Salvation:
Have faith in YAHUAH, Yahusha and the Holy Spirit Ruach HaKodesh.
Believe that Yahusha was born of a Virgin Mary, grew up and ministered to the Jews but they rejected Him and then He opened Salvation to everyone who would believe and accept Him as their Master, Messiah, Redeemer and Savior of their life and is baptized by complete immersion in the name of the FATHER YAHUAH, the Son Yahusha and the Holy Spirit Ruach HaKodesh. Please see the Page of detailed Message of Salvation.
So help me my FATHER Supreme King YAHUAH through YOUR Son, Supreme Prince Yahusha by the power of YOUR Holy Spirit Supreme Ruach HaKodesh. Amein, Amein and Amein.