Article 27
Section 1. Fruits of the Holy Spirit, Supreme Ruach HaKodesh
Section 2. Everyone in the Holy Kingdom of YAHUAH needs to possess the Fruits of the Holy Spirit, Supreme Ruach HaKodesh.
Section 3. First things first. A person must be sealed or indwelt by the Holy Spirit to bear the fruits of the Holy Spirit. To be sealed by the Holy Spirit, Supreme Ruach HaKodesh, please see Article on How to be saved from Hell and Go to Paradise.
Section 4. We also need to understand the background, the context and for whom this list was given by Apostle Paul. However, in this Constitution we are applying them also in a broader perspective because we are a brotherhood of nations to glorify our FATHER, Supreme King YAHUAH.
Section 5. And the fruits of the Holy Spirit, Supreme Ruach HaKodesh are:
Section 6. + Love – Supreme King YAHUAH is LOVE. HE sacrificed HIS begotten Son, Supreme Prince Yahusha who is blameless, pure and without sin to die a slow, excruciating, demeaning, insulting, very painful death on the cross of shame.
Section 7. I believe in Love.
My FATHER, Supreme King YAHUAH is LOVE.
I believe HE loves me with Agape Love.
Section 8. HE sacrificed HIS BEGOTTEN Son, Supreme Prince Yahusha to die a slow, agonizing, shameful, demeaning, excruciating, painful death.
Section 9. HE allowed HIS Son, Supreme Princes Yahusha to be flogged all night long without food, without water, without rest.
Section 10. HE allowed HIS Son, Supreme Prince Yahusha to be insulted and jeered all night long. And in the morning, HE allowed HIS Son, Supreme Prince Yahusha to be crowned with a crown of thorns. And then He was made to carry a heavy wooden cross up a mountain they called Calvary.
Section 11. Having not eaten any food or drank any water for more than twenty four hours, He was weak and could not continue to carry the heavy wooden cross.
The soldiers asked a bystander to carry the cross up the mountain for Him.
Section 12. My FATHER, Supreme King YAHUAH allowed HIS only begotten Son, Supreme Prince Yahusha to die on Calvary. And to add insult to injury, they crucified the Savior of the World between two thieves.
Section 13. They nailed His Hands and Feet to the cross. I could not imagine how painful that would be. Then, the wooden cross with the Savior of the world hanging by the nails on His Hands and Feet was dropped into the hole in the rock. This would have made the nails sheared His flesh and bones. Again, I could not imagine how painful that could be. His flesh and bones being thorn by the nails by His weight and by the force of the drop.
Section 14. Then as if the tormentors were not satisfied, they thrashed a spear on His side and water and blood mingled.
Section 15. I believe HIS Son Supreme Prince Yahusha, my Savior and Savior of all those who accepts Him as their Savior is Love as well.
Because He obeyed HIS FATHER, my FATHER without complaining.
It is only when the pain was unbearable my Savior, Supreme Prince Yahusha cried to His FATHER my FATHER, “FATHER, FATHER, WHY DID you FORSAKE ME?” And the tormentors though he was asking for water so they shoved a sponged dipped in vinegar.
Section 16. And the Spirit departed from His human body. And the dead rose from their graves and the sky became dark and there was lightning and thunder.
Section 17. Then one of the tormentors realized that this was really the Son of the Most High.
Section 18. They buried my Savior and on the third day He rose again victorious.
Section 19. That is why on the Final Judgment, there would be gnashing of teeth but at that time it is too late.
Section 20. The irony of this is that, my Savior, Supreme Prince Yahusha was not sent for me or for you. He was sent specifically for the Jews. And the people whom He came to save were the ones who persecuted, flogged, crowned Him with a Crown of Thorns, made Him carry a heavy wooden cross, nailed Him on a wooden cross, made Him drink vinegar and killed Him.
Section 21. It was ONLY after the Jews rejected Him that He opened SALVATION to the Gentiles like you and me.
Section 22. NOW I can proudly say Supreme Prince Yahusha is my Master, Messiah, Redeemer and Savior and the Savior of all those who accepted Him as their Savior and those who will accept Him in the future.
Section 23. So my Loves and Friends, repent while there is still time. You could die tonight. Where will you go to Hell or Paradise?
Section 24. The procedure is simple. Please see Article on how to be saved from Hell and go to Paradise.
Section 25. I am not in any way comparing myself to my Savior. Far from it but as a human subject to human frailties I have experienced heart aches, disappointments, rejections and insults and you name it I probably experienced it.
Section 26. I fell in love with a beautiful girl whom I thought was perfect in every way. I loved this girl with a love that is Divine, pure, perfect, truthful, sincere and Endless forever and for always. And she told me in certain ways that she loved me the same way. I was ready to give her the world. She was my first true love.
Section 27. And one day she dropped me for someone with many girl friends and does not show any employment. Of course the girl is well-off i.e. rich so she could support her new boyfriend.
Section 28. Be careful who you fall in love with . Check him/her against the Qualification Requirements for the Royal Servant of Supreme King YAHUAH’s Surrogate Mothers. Pray and ask for guidance from our FATHER.
Section 29. My heart was shattered into a thousand pieces that cannot be put together again. I know it will bleed until I see my FATHER and my Savior in the Third Heaven.
Section 30. However, I believe what the Holy Scriptures say, “everything happens for the good of those who love HIM (referring to our FATHER)”.
It is a fact that my heart was shattered but in retrospect, I am glad it happened because the girl does not even meet the qualification requirements for Surrogate Mothers.
Section 31. But my purpose to change the world for my FATHER’s glory would be accomplished even with a broken heart.
Section 32. Since my PURPOSE is Global, I will have Surrogate Mothers from all over the world to produce the children I need to work with me and carry on into the future.
Section 33. Love for humanity. Please see the Secondary Purpose of the Holy Kingdom of YAHUAH i.e. World Peace and Prosperity for all.
Section 34. + Joy – I believe joy is deeper and it is heartfelt longer and you relish it longer than happiness. Happiness I believe is short lived. I searched my life experiences from when I was a child until now and there were many times I was happy but there were only a few times in my life when I felt joy. First time I really felt joy was when I was teaching in two prestigious universities in Manila, I was Board Reviewer for Chemical Engineering Board Examination, my wife and I were operating a chemical company, my family and my home life was great, we were able to buy lands everywhere with my business partners and we could afford what the rich people in the neighborhood could afford. My associates at work and in the universities were great. They were great to talk to because they were intellectuals.
Section 35. There was no pressure on me. I hd good relations with my in laws. I could dedicate my weekends to my family. Those were happy and joyful times in my life.
Section 36. For a poor little barefoot newspaper boy to be in this position, thought I have arrived. Hahaha
Section 37. All that ended when we moved to the USA in anticipation of the impending Martial Law.
Section 38. Another time in my life when I really felt joy was when my family and I were well-known and respected member of the greater Atlanta Area community. I was Public Relations Chairman of twenty seven (27) Kiwanis Clubs in the Metro Atlanta Area, I served on the Board of the Salvation Army Rehabilitation Center in Atlanta, I served with the Atlanta Clean City Commission, I served as a Board Reviewer for Eagle Scouts, Served on the Board of McEachern High School, our three sons made history when all three attained Eagle Scout the highest rank in Boy Scout of America and Our three sons were all admitted to the US Naval Academy. Statistics show that only one or two applicants were admitted per one hundred applicants. We rubbed elbows with the upper echelon of society in the Deep South. Being Public Relations Chairman of 27 Kiwanis Clubs, I got to visit the different clubs from the poorest clubs to the riches club. One club in north Atlanta was probably the riches because most of the members were Billionaires and I had dinners with them. You cannot pay enough money to have dinner with those guys and here is a poor little barefoot boy from a little town of Arayat having cocktail and dinner with these guys. Turner Broadcasting Network Awarded us Super Citizen Award.
Section 39. These happened to us in the Deep South and we are colored people from the Philippines. For a colored person just to survive in the Deep South was a blessing! If not an accomplishment.
Section 40. Remember, not too long ago Dr. Martin Luther King was killed!
Section 41. WOW all these we attribute to the great blessings, guidance and direction of our FATHER, Supreme King YAHUAH through HIS Son, our Savior, Supreme Prince Yahusha by the power of the Holy Spirit, Supreme Ruach HaKodesh. Praise Honor and Glory to our FATHER.
Section 42. Thank you, Rose (my deceased wife’s nick name) for your YAHUAH’s given abilities, intelligence, political acumen, survival instincts that helped us navigate the political landscape in the Deep South for our family’s survival. And in the end with our FATHER’s blessings, guidance and direction, our family did not only survive, we prevailed and WON and the whole world knows it.
Section 43. Rose, You made history in many ways:
Section 44. ONLY Mom who raised five successful kids so much so that the teachers at McEachern High School asked you to write a book on how we you raised our kids. Our oldest daughter was Editor of the School Newspaper, our oldest son was President of the Student Body, our middle and youngest son were Vice President of the Student Body.
Section 45. ONLY Mom of three Eagle Scouts. ONLY MOM of four Black Belts in Karate under the instruction of Master Choy, Ninth Degree Black Belt from Korea.
Section 46 ONLY Mom of three Sons admitted to the prestigious US Naval Academy where only 1-2% of Applicants get accepted.
Section 47. ONLY Mom of three US Naval Academy Graduates.
Section 48. Thank you Rose in our Savior’s name, Supreme Prince Yahusha by the power of the Holy Spirit, Supreme Ruach HaKodesh for our FATHER. Supreme King YAHUAH’s everlasting glory. Rose you are an Angel sent from Heaven sent for me and our family. Amein, Amein and Amein.
Section 49. As I re-read these definitions, is the Holy Scriptures really talking about this kind of JOY? Or is it talking about something deeper that touches the very soul and spirit of man? I believe it does both.
Section 50. Do you find joy in doing the little things like worshiping our FATHER? In singing hymns and showing our appreciation for the many blessings we received? In praying to HIM to thank HIM for the safety HE provides us against bad people bad spirit, virus and diseases and accident of mind and body? Do you find joy in obeying HIS Commandments? Do you find joy in fulfilling HIS Heart’s Desire that no one should perish in the Lake of Fire by sharing HIS message of salvation to as many people as possible? Do you find joy in sharing to as many people as you possibly can HIS true name? HIS Son’s true name and HIS Holy Spirit’s true name?
Section 51. Do you find joy in helping other believers who may need help whatever it may be?
Section 52. Do you find joy in peace and harmony among believers? Do you find joy in helping the less fortunate or weak believers?
Section 53+ Peace – the general definition of peace is without fights, conflicts, and wars. etc. But I believe this Peace referred to as fruits of the Holy Spirit, Supreme Ruach HaKodesh, refers to individual or personal peace. It could mean spiritual peace i.e. you are at peace because of your blessed assurance that you can face your CREATOR, Supreme King YAHUAH any time HE takes your life. You have done your best, you have ran the race and won and you have entrusted your soul and spirit to the ONE who controls the destinies of people and the fate of nations. Meaning you have accepted Supreme Prince Yahusha as your Savior by the power of the Holy Spirit, Supreme Ruach HaKodesh for the everlasting glory of our FATHER, Supreme King YAHUAH. Remember, we all have to account everything we have done while in the body.
Section 54. It could mean you are at peace because you are healthy in mind body soul and spirit. In the context of the message of Apostle Paul, it means you are at peace with other Believers in Yahusha.
Section 55. + Patience – are you patient with those who are not yet mature in the faith? Are you patient with those who may not be as smart as you are? Those special people?
Section 56. Kindness
Section 57. Goodness
Section 58. Trustworthiness
Section 59. Gentleness
Section 60 .. Self-Control.
The children should master and understand this CONSTITUTION as early as possible. THREE times a day when they pray in the morning, lunch and evening they should recited the Pledge of Allegiance to Supreme King YAHUAH. This would start in Grade 1 until adulthood.
Section 1. Fruits of the Holy Spirit, Supreme Ruach HaKodesh
Section 2. Everyone in the Holy Kingdom of YAHUAH needs to possess the Fruits of the Holy Spirit, Supreme Ruach HaKodesh.
Section 3. First things first. A person must be sealed or indwelt by the Holy Spirit to bear the fruits of the Holy Spirit. To be sealed by the Holy Spirit, Supreme Ruach HaKodesh, please see Article on How to be saved from Hell and Go to Paradise.
Section 4. We also need to understand the background, the context and for whom this list was given by Apostle Paul. However, in this Constitution we are applying them also in a broader perspective because we are a brotherhood of nations to glorify our FATHER, Supreme King YAHUAH.
Section 5. And the fruits of the Holy Spirit, Supreme Ruach HaKodesh are:
Section 6. + Love – Supreme King YAHUAH is LOVE. HE sacrificed HIS begotten Son, Supreme Prince Yahusha who is blameless, pure and without sin to die a slow, excruciating, demeaning, insulting, very painful death on the cross of shame.
Section 7. I believe in Love.
My FATHER, Supreme King YAHUAH is LOVE.
I believe HE loves me with Agape Love.
Section 8. HE sacrificed HIS BEGOTTEN Son, Supreme Prince Yahusha to die a slow, agonizing, shameful, demeaning, excruciating, painful death.
Section 9. HE allowed HIS Son, Supreme Princes Yahusha to be flogged all night long without food, without water, without rest.
Section 10. HE allowed HIS Son, Supreme Prince Yahusha to be insulted and jeered all night long. And in the morning, HE allowed HIS Son, Supreme Prince Yahusha to be crowned with a crown of thorns. And then He was made to carry a heavy wooden cross up a mountain they called Calvary.
Section 11. Having not eaten any food or drank any water for more than twenty four hours, He was weak and could not continue to carry the heavy wooden cross.
The soldiers asked a bystander to carry the cross up the mountain for Him.
Section 12. My FATHER, Supreme King YAHUAH allowed HIS only begotten Son, Supreme Prince Yahusha to die on Calvary. And to add insult to injury, they crucified the Savior of the World between two thieves.
Section 13. They nailed His Hands and Feet to the cross. I could not imagine how painful that would be. Then, the wooden cross with the Savior of the world hanging by the nails on His Hands and Feet was dropped into the hole in the rock. This would have made the nails sheared His flesh and bones. Again, I could not imagine how painful that could be. His flesh and bones being thorn by the nails by His weight and by the force of the drop.
Section 14. Then as if the tormentors were not satisfied, they thrashed a spear on His side and water and blood mingled.
Section 15. I believe HIS Son Supreme Prince Yahusha, my Savior and Savior of all those who accepts Him as their Savior is Love as well.
Because He obeyed HIS FATHER, my FATHER without complaining.
It is only when the pain was unbearable my Savior, Supreme Prince Yahusha cried to His FATHER my FATHER, “FATHER, FATHER, WHY DID you FORSAKE ME?” And the tormentors though he was asking for water so they shoved a sponged dipped in vinegar.
Section 16. And the Spirit departed from His human body. And the dead rose from their graves and the sky became dark and there was lightning and thunder.
Section 17. Then one of the tormentors realized that this was really the Son of the Most High.
Section 18. They buried my Savior and on the third day He rose again victorious.
Section 19. That is why on the Final Judgment, there would be gnashing of teeth but at that time it is too late.
Section 20. The irony of this is that, my Savior, Supreme Prince Yahusha was not sent for me or for you. He was sent specifically for the Jews. And the people whom He came to save were the ones who persecuted, flogged, crowned Him with a Crown of Thorns, made Him carry a heavy wooden cross, nailed Him on a wooden cross, made Him drink vinegar and killed Him.
Section 21. It was ONLY after the Jews rejected Him that He opened SALVATION to the Gentiles like you and me.
Section 22. NOW I can proudly say Supreme Prince Yahusha is my Master, Messiah, Redeemer and Savior and the Savior of all those who accepted Him as their Savior and those who will accept Him in the future.
Section 23. So my Loves and Friends, repent while there is still time. You could die tonight. Where will you go to Hell or Paradise?
Section 24. The procedure is simple. Please see Article on how to be saved from Hell and go to Paradise.
Section 25. I am not in any way comparing myself to my Savior. Far from it but as a human subject to human frailties I have experienced heart aches, disappointments, rejections and insults and you name it I probably experienced it.
Section 26. I fell in love with a beautiful girl whom I thought was perfect in every way. I loved this girl with a love that is Divine, pure, perfect, truthful, sincere and Endless forever and for always. And she told me in certain ways that she loved me the same way. I was ready to give her the world. She was my first true love.
Section 27. And one day she dropped me for someone with many girl friends and does not show any employment. Of course the girl is well-off i.e. rich so she could support her new boyfriend.
Section 28. Be careful who you fall in love with . Check him/her against the Qualification Requirements for the Royal Servant of Supreme King YAHUAH’s Surrogate Mothers. Pray and ask for guidance from our FATHER.
Section 29. My heart was shattered into a thousand pieces that cannot be put together again. I know it will bleed until I see my FATHER and my Savior in the Third Heaven.
Section 30. However, I believe what the Holy Scriptures say, “everything happens for the good of those who love HIM (referring to our FATHER)”.
It is a fact that my heart was shattered but in retrospect, I am glad it happened because the girl does not even meet the qualification requirements for Surrogate Mothers.
Section 31. But my purpose to change the world for my FATHER’s glory would be accomplished even with a broken heart.
Section 32. Since my PURPOSE is Global, I will have Surrogate Mothers from all over the world to produce the children I need to work with me and carry on into the future.
Section 33. Love for humanity. Please see the Secondary Purpose of the Holy Kingdom of YAHUAH i.e. World Peace and Prosperity for all.
Section 34. + Joy – I believe joy is deeper and it is heartfelt longer and you relish it longer than happiness. Happiness I believe is short lived. I searched my life experiences from when I was a child until now and there were many times I was happy but there were only a few times in my life when I felt joy. First time I really felt joy was when I was teaching in two prestigious universities in Manila, I was Board Reviewer for Chemical Engineering Board Examination, my wife and I were operating a chemical company, my family and my home life was great, we were able to buy lands everywhere with my business partners and we could afford what the rich people in the neighborhood could afford. My associates at work and in the universities were great. They were great to talk to because they were intellectuals.
Section 35. There was no pressure on me. I hd good relations with my in laws. I could dedicate my weekends to my family. Those were happy and joyful times in my life.
Section 36. For a poor little barefoot newspaper boy to be in this position, thought I have arrived. Hahaha
Section 37. All that ended when we moved to the USA in anticipation of the impending Martial Law.
Section 38. Another time in my life when I really felt joy was when my family and I were well-known and respected member of the greater Atlanta Area community. I was Public Relations Chairman of twenty seven (27) Kiwanis Clubs in the Metro Atlanta Area, I served on the Board of the Salvation Army Rehabilitation Center in Atlanta, I served with the Atlanta Clean City Commission, I served as a Board Reviewer for Eagle Scouts, Served on the Board of McEachern High School, our three sons made history when all three attained Eagle Scout the highest rank in Boy Scout of America and Our three sons were all admitted to the US Naval Academy. Statistics show that only one or two applicants were admitted per one hundred applicants. We rubbed elbows with the upper echelon of society in the Deep South. Being Public Relations Chairman of 27 Kiwanis Clubs, I got to visit the different clubs from the poorest clubs to the riches club. One club in north Atlanta was probably the riches because most of the members were Billionaires and I had dinners with them. You cannot pay enough money to have dinner with those guys and here is a poor little barefoot boy from a little town of Arayat having cocktail and dinner with these guys. Turner Broadcasting Network Awarded us Super Citizen Award.
Section 39. These happened to us in the Deep South and we are colored people from the Philippines. For a colored person just to survive in the Deep South was a blessing! If not an accomplishment.
Section 40. Remember, not too long ago Dr. Martin Luther King was killed!
Section 41. WOW all these we attribute to the great blessings, guidance and direction of our FATHER, Supreme King YAHUAH through HIS Son, our Savior, Supreme Prince Yahusha by the power of the Holy Spirit, Supreme Ruach HaKodesh. Praise Honor and Glory to our FATHER.
Section 42. Thank you, Rose (my deceased wife’s nick name) for your YAHUAH’s given abilities, intelligence, political acumen, survival instincts that helped us navigate the political landscape in the Deep South for our family’s survival. And in the end with our FATHER’s blessings, guidance and direction, our family did not only survive, we prevailed and WON and the whole world knows it.
Section 43. Rose, You made history in many ways:
Section 44. ONLY Mom who raised five successful kids so much so that the teachers at McEachern High School asked you to write a book on how we you raised our kids. Our oldest daughter was Editor of the School Newspaper, our oldest son was President of the Student Body, our middle and youngest son were Vice President of the Student Body.
Section 45. ONLY Mom of three Eagle Scouts. ONLY MOM of four Black Belts in Karate under the instruction of Master Choy, Ninth Degree Black Belt from Korea.
Section 46 ONLY Mom of three Sons admitted to the prestigious US Naval Academy where only 1-2% of Applicants get accepted.
Section 47. ONLY Mom of three US Naval Academy Graduates.
Section 48. Thank you Rose in our Savior’s name, Supreme Prince Yahusha by the power of the Holy Spirit, Supreme Ruach HaKodesh for our FATHER. Supreme King YAHUAH’s everlasting glory. Rose you are an Angel sent from Heaven sent for me and our family. Amein, Amein and Amein.
Section 49. As I re-read these definitions, is the Holy Scriptures really talking about this kind of JOY? Or is it talking about something deeper that touches the very soul and spirit of man? I believe it does both.
Section 50. Do you find joy in doing the little things like worshiping our FATHER? In singing hymns and showing our appreciation for the many blessings we received? In praying to HIM to thank HIM for the safety HE provides us against bad people bad spirit, virus and diseases and accident of mind and body? Do you find joy in obeying HIS Commandments? Do you find joy in fulfilling HIS Heart’s Desire that no one should perish in the Lake of Fire by sharing HIS message of salvation to as many people as possible? Do you find joy in sharing to as many people as you possibly can HIS true name? HIS Son’s true name and HIS Holy Spirit’s true name?
Section 51. Do you find joy in helping other believers who may need help whatever it may be?
Section 52. Do you find joy in peace and harmony among believers? Do you find joy in helping the less fortunate or weak believers?
Section 53+ Peace – the general definition of peace is without fights, conflicts, and wars. etc. But I believe this Peace referred to as fruits of the Holy Spirit, Supreme Ruach HaKodesh, refers to individual or personal peace. It could mean spiritual peace i.e. you are at peace because of your blessed assurance that you can face your CREATOR, Supreme King YAHUAH any time HE takes your life. You have done your best, you have ran the race and won and you have entrusted your soul and spirit to the ONE who controls the destinies of people and the fate of nations. Meaning you have accepted Supreme Prince Yahusha as your Savior by the power of the Holy Spirit, Supreme Ruach HaKodesh for the everlasting glory of our FATHER, Supreme King YAHUAH. Remember, we all have to account everything we have done while in the body.
Section 54. It could mean you are at peace because you are healthy in mind body soul and spirit. In the context of the message of Apostle Paul, it means you are at peace with other Believers in Yahusha.
Section 55. + Patience – are you patient with those who are not yet mature in the faith? Are you patient with those who may not be as smart as you are? Those special people?
Section 56. Kindness
Section 57. Goodness
Section 58. Trustworthiness
Section 59. Gentleness
Section 60 .. Self-Control.
The children should master and understand this CONSTITUTION as early as possible. THREE times a day when they pray in the morning, lunch and evening they should recited the Pledge of Allegiance to Supreme King YAHUAH. This would start in Grade 1 until adulthood.