Guiding Principles
Our Creed
Love our FATHER Supreme King YAHUAH with all our heart, mind, body, soul and spirit by obeying HIS Ten Commandments, Golden Rule and all the Abominations by the power of HIS Holy Spirit Ruach HaKodesh in HIS Son’s name Supreme Prince Yahusha.
Our Dedication
We dedicate everything we are, everything entrusted with us and everything we may be and this Website and everything it represents to our FATHER Supreme King YAHUAH by the power of HIS Holy Spirit Supreme Ruach HaKodesh in HIS Son’s name Supreme Prince Yahusha, our Savior.
Our Mission
To transform the world for the everlasting glory of our FATHER Supreme King YAHUAH by the power of HIS Holy Spirit Supreme Ruach HaKodesh in HIS Son’s name our Savior Supreme Prince Yahusha.
Our Vision
To help people with their physical needs and share the message of salvation as well.
Our Goals
Our goal is to reach out to as many people of the 8 billion people in the world with the Love of Supreme King YAHUAH.